In Loving Memory of Theodore Leroy Olson, 2/21/1928 - 3/1/2020 He was a talented piano player who played by ear, He loved to cook and eat good food. He loved to read true life after death stories as well as stories on UFO's or Mysterious events. A family man who raised 4 daughters to be strong loving Women. He was preceeded in death by the Love of his life, Juanita Mae Olson, his 2nd oldest daughter Christine Pierce, his Parents Beulah and Leon Olson, His siblings, Edward Olson, Leon Olson, David Olson and his sister Ora Royce. He was a loving father and survived by his daughters, Gloria Olson, Elaine-Montoya-Pirnat, and Carol Olson and Grand Children, Richard Chan, Angela Smith, Jeff Montoya, Andrea Rodriguez, Billy Rodriguez, Stephanie Rodriguez, Great Grandkids, Nita Chan, Steven Montoya, Jaden Montoya, Christopher Huft, and Julian Rodriguez. His loving sisters Dolores Carroll and Pat Still, as well as many nieces and Nephew’s. He has joined his Love and they will spend eternity together. May He Rest In Peace.